Safety NetAccess

Experienced technology provider

Hospitality & Enterprise

A trusted and approved technology vendor for today's hospitality market and technology infusion for businesses of all sizes.

Guest Wi-Fi Networks

  • As a leading guest Internet provider with an “integrity first” philosophy, we survey, design, build, and support wireless & wired networks for many industries – all with our clients’ specific needs in mind.

Telecom Solutions

  • We are proud to be a leader providing voice and collaboration communication solutions and services to hospitality and enterprises of all sizes. Our solutions can either be on premise or cloud based.

24/7 Tiered Support

  • Our call center consists of Tier 1, 2, 3 level and NOC support agents with expertise and access to all management tools for remote troubleshooting and monitoring. Combined with multiple SLAs we have the ability to meet any need.

Total Solutions Provider

Professional, certified IT experts to support your business.

Enjoy the Benefit of an Entire IT Department

  • With Safety NetAccess' TSP services, your company will be able to enjoy the benefit of an entire IT department that can resolve your issues as they arise and maintain your technology. Safety NetAccess will perform a yearly CIO assessment to proactively address your network for budgetary purposes. For a small, fixed, monthly fee, we can monitor your systems 24/7, apply patches, establish routine backups, keep viruses at bay, and perform a host of other provisional measures. Small issues will not expand or become expensive and, in most cases, you will never notice there was ever an issue. Our remote-monitoring tools, back-office services, and software options provide cost-effective IT management solutions to ensure your systems operate as required and deliver the ROl you expect.