Datadog Serverless Monitoring for Google

End-to-end serverless monitoring

Track Google Cloud Functions performance and usage

Datadog’s new Google Cloud Functions dashboard provides a high-level overview of key performance metrics from your functions, including error rate, total invocations, and execution time.

Debug Google Cloud Run errors across revisions

  • Our new Cloud Run Fully Managed dashboard allows you to get a bird’s-eye view of the performance of your services, as well as resource utilization metrics from your containers.

Monitor Google App Engine standard and flex environments

  • Our new Google App Engine dashboard provides insights into both types of environments, so you can get complete visibility into all your App Engine applications, wherever they run.

Enhanced metrics for Google serverless applications

  • We have enhanced our latency metrics to include percentile aggregations (p95 and p99) across all three GCP serverless offerings: Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, and App Engine.