Datadog Sensitive Data Scanner

Stream-based, pattern-matching service

Configure Sensitive Data Scanner to build a scalable and holistic compliance strategy

- Define exactly which data you want to scan using filters.
- Enable scanning for Log Management, APM, and RUM with a single click.
- Scan your data in real-time at ingestion to prevent data leaks.

Classify sensitive data based on its content, source, or designated risk level

- Standardize data classification across dev, ops, and security teams and across different cloud platforms and hybrid environments.
- Accelerate classification through out-of-the-box rules that capture common patterns, such as credit card numbers, API keys, tokens, AWS secret keys, and others.
- Inform data governance policies with searchable tags on risk level, data source and priority about your company’s management of sensitive private data.

Discover sensitive data across your cloud environments

- Save time by scanning and tagging of new hosts, containers, and applications as soon as they are spun up.
- Tag sensitive data to allow teams to create real-time alerts and build dashboards.
- Reduce false positives with the help of industry-standard detection techniques, such as the Luhn algorithm.

Redact sensitive data from security breaches and both insider and external threat actors

- Scrub sensitive data with predefined scanners from Datadog’s Data Scanner Library or custom scanners.
- Build a modern compliance strategy by combining sensitive data scanning with.
- Datadog’s fully integrated role-based access control (RBAC) permissions and restriction queries.
- Use audit logs to keep a full record of user activity on the Datadog platform.